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Texas Winter is the worst!

Sophie with Pepper and Ruby.

Winter in Texas is no joke. We finally dropped below freezing for the first time since early 2024. But you know what didn't drop? The humidity. Not yet, anyways. We live on the edge of the piney woods in Southeast Texas so the sun is trying hard to warm us up, but it's a fight with all the trees in the yard. Most have lost all their leaves, but since the temperatures are typically mild here a few are continuing to offer plenty of shade. Unfortunately! The wind hasn't stopped howling since last night and has knocked down a few youpon and even my long stem yellow rose, but no trees, that I know of.

The chickens are chilling, literally, but nobody is complaining. They're all wondering about the yard or rolling in the sun, but the big coop is sooooo cold. We are just about to head out to see what we can do to warm it up in there. We do have heat for the babies, but the wind coming in through the eaves is wreaking havoc with it. Speaking of the wind, again, last night the back door to the coop didn't get latched so it blew wide open. Let us say, luck, is our word of the week. We didn't lose anyone, but with the temperatures continuing to bottom out, they won't be able to take much more of it without intervention. The perils of fancy chickens. Ugh.

I hope everyone was as lucky as we were on this first day and that it continues throughout the week. If I can do anything to help, please let me know! Take care and stay warm.



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