It's all about the chickens...
It's always hard to know what to write when you are writing about your life. I could write a novel about what we do, but that's not what you're here for. Just the basics, right? Here goes... We raise silkies and cochins. We spend our days looking at floofy feathers and tiny toes, then debating who can stay and who can go. It's hard work, mentally and physically. At the end of the day, it's our goal to raise silkies as close to the standard of perfection as possible.
At any given time we will have between three and four project colors going on. No more and no less. Different pens can throw the same color with completely different genetics behind them. Those different genetics will come in to play when the next generation is bred. Keeping those genetically different colors separate can be challenging which is why we keep our project numbers down.
When the ladies aren't busy working on the next generation they are running around the fully enclosed aviary, or grazing in the garden under supervision. The boys get their own downtime separate from the ladies with a lot of TLC. All roosters are kept separate from each other. Can they go together? Some can, some can't so it's easier on us and less stressful for them to give them their own space.
So, in a nutshell, we play with chickens all day long and encourage others to do the same. You can follow our most up-to-date progress on facebook, although we do have Instagram and all the other social medias. We breed throughout the fall and the spring and if the weather is seasonable enough we will breed straight through the winter. Summers in southeast Texas are not worth the stress and effect on ourselves or the flock. If you are interested in carrying on our lines, or have any questions, the quickest way to reach us is through facebook messenger.